Web Support
Lost your password? Want to get the most out of offers comprehensive, easy-to-navigate Web Support that addresses most issues.
Connecting from AOL
If you are connecting from AOL and are receiving an error stating that you cannot connect to, you probably need to install the most up-to-date Windows 95 compatible version of AOL's software. If you have installed this software and are still receiving this message, please contact AOL Customer Support at 1-800-827-6364.
Internet Connection Issues
If you cannot log on to the Internet, please contact your Internet Service Provider, such as AOL, CompuServe, MSN, MindSpring, or ATT WorldNet. Connection Issues
If you can browse the World Wide Web but are having difficulting logging on to your Internet connectivity may be routed by your Internet Service Provider or company (if you're trying to connect from work) through a firewall or a proxy server. In the case of a firewall or a proxy server, please contact your System Administrator to 'open a hole' for in the firewall for ports 80 and 8000 - 8999 (both TCP and UDP).
Contacting Customer Support
You can reach our elite staff of member support professionals at 650-429-3100 during support hours or at any time. Plus members can also page 'support' during Customer Support Hours. Customer Support Hours
Technical Support: From 2 p.m. to 9 p.m. (Pacific Time), Tuesday through Saturday.
Member Support: From 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. (Pacific Time), Monday through Friday.